Cookie Policy

By using our website you agree to the use of cookies as described in this Cookie Policy.

Please be aware that configuring your browser to not accepting cookies will impede the function and performance of our website. If you would like to browse and buy from the Enfield Safety website you will need to have cookies enabled on your web browser. 

What are cookies? 
Most websites use cookies to enhance a user’s web experience while navigating the site. A cookie, also known as a browser cookie, web cookie or HTTP cookie, is a small text file automatically stored on your device when visiting websites.

Are cookies harmful?
Cookies aren't harmful, they are small text files stored on your PC or mobile device that make browsing websites more user friendly by means of allowing the website to recall any customised information you have previously set i.e. recently viewed products and remembering products added to your shopping basket.

How can I check if Cookies are enabled on my device?
The majority of web browsers have cookies turned on as default however for instructions on how to check your cookie settings, first find out what browser you are using and then follow the appropriate instruction below: 

Internet Explorer

If you are using Internet Explore then follow these simple instructions to enable cookies in your browser. 

- At the top of your browser select 'Tools' >> 'Internet options' 
- Click the 'Privacy' tab and make sure that your privacy level is set to medium or below.


If you are using Firefox follow these simple instructions to enable cookies in your browser.

- At the top of your browser window click on 'Tools' >> Options
- Next select the privacy icon
- In the drop down menu 'Firefox will:' select 'Remember History'  

Google Chrome

If you are using Google Chrome then follow these simple instructions to enable cookies in your browser.  

- At the top of your browser select 'Tools' (spanner icon) >> Settings 
- Click the 'Show advanced settings' tab >> locate the 'Privacy' section 
- Select the 'Content settings' button
- Now select 'Allow local data to be set'


If you are using Safari follow these simple instructions to enable cookies in your browser.

- At the top of your web browser click on 'Safari' >> 'Preferences'
- Click on 'Security' and then 'Accept cookies'
- Finally select 'Always' to remember this setting for the future.

Further information about cookies

For more information about cookies visit

For more information about Google Analytics privacy policy visit 

If you would like to ask us any questions about our cookie policy email